Skin cleaning with Microdermabrasion | Basir Eye Center
Skin cleaning with Microdermabrasion
December 24, 2018

Skin cleaning with Microdermabrasion

Your skin is exposed to environmental elements every day. Over the years, the sun’s dangerous rays, pollution, and other serious factors can cause damages on your skin. Microdermabrasion is a new treatment for cleaning skin that can help individuals in reduction or removing of the wrinkles and fine lines, as well as spots which have been formed due to age or sunlight.

Skin cleaning with Microderm

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive and non-chemical procedure which uses a spray of microcrystals on individual skin to remove the outermost layer and causes a moist, young and  healthy-looking skin. It also triggers the production of a new skin layer with higher levels of collagen and elastin, both of which can improve your skin’s appearance. It is more transparent than dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is a more intensive method that is used to treat deeper facial lines, extreme sun damages, and non-superficial scars.

Candidates for Microdermabrasion

Patients with a lot of  fine facial lines or wrinkles, spots due to sun damages, uneven pigmentation, clogged pores, skin texture problems or minor scars are good candidates for microdermabrasion. Patients suffering from acne may also benefit from this treatments. The gentle spray of microcrystals can help individuals to eliminate or improve skin imperfections as well as its condition and remove the dead and damaged skin cells to develop  fresh , new skin.

Candidates for Microdermabrasion

Who are not good candidates for microdermabrasion?

Skin cleaning for those who are suffering from deep scars, active keloids, undiagnosed lesions, facial warts, active acne (stages 3 and 4),  autoimmune system disorder and … , is not recommended. Pregnant women should not undergo the surgical procedure of  microdermabrasion. Candidates who had been under other skin care procedures such as collagen injections, should also wait for two to three weeks before undergoing this procedure.

Patients should also avoid waxing, epilation or Getting a tan for a few weeks before microdermabrasion treatment. Individuals with deep scars, facial creases, or other skin damages ranging from moderate-to-severe, should consider a stronger treatment.

What are the benefits of Microdermabrasion?


This procedure is not painful. During this procedure, the patient may feel a slight itching on the skin, like a facial massage. There is no anesthesia. You may notice some pink swollen regions on your skin, however these side effects will fade within a day.


One of the considerable benefits of microdermabrasion is that this procedure is fast. Usually, this procedure lasts only for half an hour, but individuals may need a couple of sessions to get the best possible results.

For all skin types

According to a recent report from health center of the university of Rochester, skin cleaning is a proper procedure for curing problems regarding aging skin. The microdermabrasion is also a great treating option for those individuals suffering from oily skins as well as for reducing minor acne scars.

What are the benefits of Microdermabrasion

Non-invasive, safe and efficient

The microdermabrasion is a safe procedure. In comparison to home microscopic kits and other services which are provided wihout medical supervison, this procedure is way safer. To prevent complications and to gain better results, it’s better to follow your treatment under supervision of an experienced dermatologist.


The microdermabrasion is one of the newest skin care techniques that can be counted as a good alternative to other invasive and expensive methods, such as: plastic surgery, Botox and…It is a successful method for treating signs of aging and skin problems at all ages and for all types of skin yet at lower prices.


Number of pending reviews12731

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